1The estimated usage provided is based on average consumption by comparable dwellings in the same area and is not intended to be a predictor of a home’s exact usage. The estimated cost is based on a stated average price (at 2,000 kWh) applied to the usage. 2Same-day requests processed after 5:00 p.m. Central Time will be connected the next business day. Same-day service is offered Monday through Saturday, weather permitting, where an existing meter is in place. No connections on holidays. Enrollment and permit requirements must be met before a request can be processed. Additional charges apply. Electricity Services and Security and Home Automation Services provided by Reliant Energy Retail Services, LLC d/b/a Reliant a wholly owned subsidiary of NRG Energy Inc. Electricity Services PUCT Certificate #10007. Security and Home Automation Services TXB19469, 1201 Fannin Street, Houston Texas 77002, Terms and conditions apply. For complete terms and conditions, visit reliant.com/connectterms. Reliant is a service mark of Reliant Energy Retail Holdings, LLC. ©2017 NRG Energy |